Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Marissa's First Flight

My first flight was pretty intense. I didn't have a window seat like I had wanted, but Ally was nice enough to switch with me. I was sitting next to Kellie and when we took off I was freaking out! The plane was shrieking when we were going down the runway and it was really loud. When we got into the air it shook some more and I was nervous because I am afraid of heights. Being that far off the ground in a shaking piece of metal was not comforting! But once we were higher up the plane stopped shaking, and I felt okay. The higher up we got, the better the view became! I have photos of our view of the coast as we left, and then of the ocean and the clouds. When it got boring to look out the window, I watched Napoleon Dynamite on the screen that was in the back of the seat in front of me. After the movie, I fell asleep and did not wake up until the sun was rising and we were approaching the airport in London. Once we were below the clouds, it looked sooooooo cool. I took like 30 photos of what I saw and I had my face against the window for the descent. The ground looked like little squares of green and as we got closer the shapes of cars and buildings became visible. It was awesome!
Grade 10

1 comment:

  1. brave girl taking your first flight ever across the ocean to another continent!! good for you!
